Tag Archives: Bangladesh

Aquila Magazine: Ancient Innovation For Modern Problems


Here’s a sneak peek of my latest article for Aquila Magazine’s Earth Issue. It’s all about indigenous populations making the most of their ancient traditions to cope with an increasingly unpredictable climate. As well as highlighting the continued importance of ancient water tunnels (called aflaj) in Oman, I spoke to an expert on community adaption in Bangladesh about the floating gardens (called baira) which are providing a lifeline to flooded communities. There’s also a snippet on the amazing work of Hassan Fathy in Egypt…

Aquila Earth Issue

Want to read more? Well all you have to do is download (how eco is that?!) a copy of the latest Aquila Magazine here. It’s only a couple of dollars for a mag jam-packed with goodness. Go on, you know you want to!


Big Issue North: One-parent families on the rise among British Asians

Guardian: Questions Over Football Charity in Manchester

Initiative welcomed by Ed Miliband and Coronation Street star but time goes by without definite news. Guest blogger Arwa Aburawa asks why.

Manchester’s young footballers are due to visit Bangladesh to highlight climate change. But when?

Questions are being asked about the long delay by two Manchester city councillors in registering a charity with the object of sending a local football club to Bangladesh to highlight the dangers of climate change.

Labour’s Luthfur Rahman (Longsight ward) and Rosa Battle (Bradford ward), set up ‘Response Worldwide’ in February 2010 as part of their work to raise money for the visit by Manchester Athletic FC. This was originally scheduled for October 2010 but has yet to happen and the charity remains unregistered. Continue reading